The client had developed an e-commerce application which facilitates the online transactions of buying and selling, the services and the products offered by the site. Client outsourced to Qualitesoft for the following reasons:
– Automate the regression testing for the application to reduce the time and cost incurred through manual testing
– Use an Automation framework which provides reusability and eases maintenance issues of traditional automation approach
– Offshore the test automation activities for improved cost benefit
It was important to generate very generic test scripts that could be used across different applications, this was required to eliminate any chances of redundancy in the framework. The most important requirement for the framework was to have an user friendly interface and a highly informative report to be generated at the end of test execution, thus allowing those who do not have exposure to the test automation tool to use the framework and interpret the results of the test execution.
The second challenge was third party software Integration, every purchase in the application triggers an email notification with the confirmation code. The task was to verify the confirmation code in the e-mail with the code generated during the registration.
We decided to use excel as the interface to the framework that would be built in Selenium and to design a website that would display the results of the test execution even when the test execution is in progress. We designed a keyword Driven Framework in Selenium that had an excel interface to administer test case management, test execution and test distribution. Keyword Driven Framework was used as the keywords could be reused across applications and in spite of the initial effort, and the effort in plugging in new projects in to the framework would be very less. The framework is also designed to work across multiple operating systems and over previous versions of Selenium. Keywords were developed that would work on multiple applications that share the same functionality and all the keywords built into the framework work for all the applications for which the functionality is applicable. A group of logical keywords make a test case and since these keywords are incorporated into the excel interface, thus allowing the end user to create or manage the test cases.
For the second challenge, we created a separate utility was tailored which would fetch the confirmation code from the email and verify.
Optimization of speed, efficiency, quality and the decrease of costs: Automated tests run fast and frequently, due to reused modules within different tests. Automated regression tests which ensure the continuous system stability and functionality after changes to the software were made lead to shorter development cycles combined with better quality software and thus the benefits of automated testing quickly out gain the initial costs.
– Up gradation and Re-usability: One of the best aspects of test automation was that the testing software is reusable. Not only that, but with every new test and every new bug discovery, the testing software directory can be upgraded and kept up-to-date. Thus, even though one of the main criticisms against test automation is the expense, one has to realize that automation software is a long lasting, reusable product which can justify its cost.
– Easy maintenance of the test assets like test scripts and repositories
– Integrated the test management tools to improve scheduling capability to run test scripts in various environments.